Plateforme d'Actions et de Formation en Éducation aux Médias pour Enfants
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Our events
Building MIL Cities Workshops and meetings Agenda 2021
UNESCO MIL Cities Launching in Canada, Africa Teamwork
Latin America, Africa & Canada MIL Cities Initiative : Indicators and metrics of UNESCO MIL Cities
MILCities: urban planning and mobility in Africa
MIL Cities expert was in Togo to negociate the implementation of UNESCO MIL CIties in this country.
Africa Grown and Town MIL Cities initiative Team: our role and impact in Africa
Role of young people in the implementation of MILCITies Africa for a successful participatory democracy
MILCities and partnership in Canadian universities : role of the faculty of Communication UQAM
The role of MILCities in the development of Agribusiness in Africa
Women's entrepreneurship and the growth of MIL Cities in Africa