Plateforme d'Actions et de Formation en Éducation aux Médias pour Enfants
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Building MIL Cities Canada & Africa
During the Global Media and Information Literacy Week, PAFEME (Canada) & UNESCO MIL Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazil) organize a special workshop to highlight scientific lobbying activities and institutional partnerships in preparation to spread the project in Canada and Africa.
Theme: Building MILCities in Canada and Africa: progress report and perspectives
The aim of this workshop is to summarize the various activities carried out on the two continents since the launch of the Latin America and Africa Mil Cities project since 2020. After the intervention of the Vice-Rector, prof, Christian Agbobli, Professor Felipe Chibas Ortiz, Regional representative of Latin America and Caraib UNESCO MIL Alliance and Co-Leader Town and Grown MIL Cities and Komi Kounakou (PAFEME & Université du Québec à Montréal) will draw up a summary of the workshops carried out with experts from 12 countries, the scientific papers published, the partnerships.
Date: 26 October 2021
Hour: 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Tous droits reservés | PAFEME